Pet ownership can add a certain level of dynamic when it comes to keeping a clean home. The Roborock team sought to explore the needs of pet owners and how the current product suite of robotic vacuum cleaners can better address problems they may face. The team surveyed 10,000 pet owner professionals aged 25-45, male/female, from across six countries (who have lived in their country for over a year) and who are responsible for cleaning their homes. The study revealed insights into how much time people spend cleaning up after their pets, how often they clean up pet fur, droppings, pet-made mess, and more.

Roborock reveals pet owners’ needs for clean homes
A sizeable minority spend more than 4 hours with their pet each day, with 39% of those surveyed doing so.
71% of respondents spend between 0.5-2 hours cleaning their home each day.
Of those surveyed, many are in a rush when cleaning up after their pet, with 43% spending up to half an hour a day doing so.
Respondents remove pet hair from the floor (36%) most often, followed by cleaning up a pet-made mess from the floor (30%).
49% of respondents expressed that a lack of time is most challenging for doing home cleaning.
of people are in a rush when cleaning up after their pet, and report that a lack of time prevents them from cleaning their home.
Pet owners regularly express frustration with picking up after pets, whether it’s hair, toys, dirt and grass from the yard, etc. Taking on the responsibility of a pet is one thing, but taking care of a constant mess is another.
Brooms and traditional vacuums often don’t have the capabilities needed to thoroughly clean spaces inhabited by animals and humans. These appliances don’t allow for the hands-free, time-saving cleaning that robotic vacuum cleaners offer. The most common type of vacuum used by those surveyed, the canister vacuum, requires hands-on labor from the consumer, which is a clear time and energy suck.
Unfortunately, it is difficult to predict messes made by pets, which can result in rushed cleaning, added stress, and a hindrance to pet owners’ productivity. The most common messes pet owners reported cleaning up are pet fur (40%), pet waste (57%), and pet-made mess, such as spilled food (40%). Despite 40% of respondents reporting cleaning their home every day, there is a significant impact on one’s ability to keep up with messes in the home. This has resulted in a minority of those surveyed (9%) needing to hire professional cleaning on a daily basis, with the average U.S. respondent spending an average of $150 per clean.
of respondents admit cleaning their homes after work or before bedtime.
While many have transitioned to a work-from-home lifestyle, it is more common for professionals to need to clean their homes after working hours or before bedtime. In fact, 61% of Germans surveyed clean their house after work, compared to just over a third of respondents from the other countries surveyed. This means that people spend less time relaxing or doing things they enjoy, sacrificing their time to clean their homes.
For those cleaning their homes, those surveyed reported:
Overall respondents spend more time cleaning the kitchen (37%) and living room (29%).
Unsurprisingly, price is the top factor considered for respondents from the six countries surveyed, with 70% citing this as a factor; this being highest among German, French and Norwegian respondents (74%, 73%, and 72% respectively).
Product quality is also of high consequence, with 64% citing this as a factor influencing purchasing. This rises to 67% among Spanish respondents and 65% among German and French respondents.
Suction power is the specific product feature considered when purchasing cleaning appliances, at 81% among the 10000 respondents surveyed. This is highest among German respondents (n=2000) at 91%.
Product type is the second most popular product feature considered behind suction power, at 58%. This is highest among American and Swedish respondents at 64% for both.
Run time is also popular among French (72%), Spanish (68%), and Norwegian(66%) respondents.
Pet ownership adds a new layer of complexity to keep the home clean. It’s important to consider how much time they would ideally like to spend cleaning up after their pets, and how this can be improved through cleaning routines or an additional appliance.
Our survey results indicate that there are many issues that remain as pet owners address the cleanliness of their homes and the stress that comes with the unpredictability of animals. By investing in quality appliances that meet their standards and concerns in the home, many pet owners and professionals can stay productive and avoid the stressors of uncleanliness without sacrificing their free time.
Many employees and pet owners alike are now faced with the reality of a long-term, remote work transition. From separating work from home life to picking up after oneself, family and pets, a refreshed mindset is needed to ensure added stress doesn’t impact overall productivity. By maintaining a clean space that’s clear of distractions, remote workers can stay productive and focus their lives outside of work and chores.
Roborock commissioned this survey in collaboration with online survey provider, OnePoll, to 10,000 pet owner professionals aged 25-45 across US, Germany, Spain, France, Sweden and Norway, who have lived in their country for over a year and who are responsible for cleaning their homes and after their pets.